Show your new hires some love

Retention starts before their first day! An effective onboarding program can have a significant impact on your ability to retain great people, help them get up to speed quickly and contribute productively – sooner.  The key is to make each new team member feel important and help remove those new job jitters as quickly as…

Sticky Situation

When is it ok to talk about salary and benefits? I was talking with the team today and we recently had several candidates stumble over the salary/benefit/flex time questions so we thought this might be a good subject for this month’s article.  Here’s the deal – unless you are independently wealthy and a workaholic, you can expect a…

Are you loving your “Keepers?”

Unless you’ve been underground for the past few months you’ve probably noticed that businesses are feeling more optimistic about the economy lately. This is especially true in the Rocky Mountain Region. There is a significant uptick in hiring happening in just the last few weeks. This activity is also being felt by your employees –…

Does your career need a tune-up?

Get yourself out of neutral I just finished an article for hiring managers on tuning up their teams.  I talked about how to introduce change as a way to increase performance, service or efficiencies – you know, the stuff that hiring managers care about.  It occurred to me that professionals who are rollin’ along in…

How to Tune-up a Team

Get out of neutral Last month we talked about how your company’s reputation has an impact on the candidate profiles that you attract. That’s great if you are happy with the level at which your team is performing, the personality that emanates from your internal community and the people in that community.  But what if you want to initiate a change? …

Your company’s reputation precedes you

The law of (candidate) attraction I get a lot of comments from hiring managers that they just can’t seem to attract the right people to their open positions.  The perception is that there isn’t good talent out there and that is one of the primary challenges affecting company growth.  While I agree that we need to continue to promote education…

What have you done for (your career) lately?

New Year career tune-up tips The New Year is a great time to review the work you’ve done and set goals for the work you want to do.  In this case I’m not talking about performance at work, but rather your career as a whole.  There are some traditions you can put in place to help guide you…

A Story about Reputation Management

How one startup successfully managed their employment brand I am fortunate to work with some of the smartest and most innovative startups in Colorado.  One of the hardest things for a startup is getting noticed.  Justifiably, entrepreneurs will spend a whole bunch of time building their company and product brand – after all – revenue is what makes the difference…