Are you loving your “Keepers?”

Unless you’ve been underground for the past few months you’ve probably noticed that businesses are feeling more optimistic about the economy lately. This is especially true in the Rocky Mountain Region. There is a significant uptick in hiring happening in just the last few weeks. This activity is also being felt by your employees –…

A Story about Reputation Management

How one startup successfully managed their employment brand I am fortunate to work with some of the smartest and most innovative startups in Colorado.  One of the hardest things for a startup is getting noticed.  Justifiably, entrepreneurs will spend a whole bunch of time building their company and product brand – after all – revenue is what makes the difference…

Keeping them is cheaper than replacing them

Low cost loyalty programs show the love If you’ve been trying to hire experienced professionals this year – especially in the engineering space – I don’t need to tell you this is a tough market.  Colorado is on solid ground and gaining momentum.  There simply isn’t enough talent to fill all the open positions. As…