The past few years have been ‘consuming’ years for business. Money was easy to come by and relatively cheap. Many organizations took advantage of additional cash to invest in capital projects. Now the coffers are drying up and you need to spend wisely. It takes strength of character to manage through tough times.
Does your executive team have the courage to get you through?
You’ve heard this before…you’re only as good as your weakest link. 2009 holds a lot of promise for companies who know their market, know their customers and take time to assess/adjust/attack. Now is the time to evaluate your leadership team to make sure that your weakest link will carry you through the coming year.
Do you have the right people doing the right jobs?
Democracy is a beautiful thing. Every four years our country has the opportunity to make dramatic shifts in policy, process and people. Generally speaking, high performers and problem solvers who believe in the new direction may get to stay. Everyone else is replaced with those who will help set a new course and execute on the administration’s strategy.
If an election were held in your organization today who would still have a job?
Fact #1 – When revenue decreases, excuses will increase where there are weak leaders
Fact #2 – Ignoring a trouble spot will NOT make it go away
Fact #3 – Rewarding mediocrity simply reinforces the behavior
For more information on hiring great talent – and getting hired – visit us here.